The influence of AI on unemployment figures and the broader economy is a contentious issue. AI is not only generating novel employment chances, but it is also causing shifts in the job market, especially in sectors that depend significantly on standardized and monotonous work.

As per the World Economic Forum's projections, by the year 2025, AI is predicted to eliminate 75 million positions around the world, while simultaneously fostering the creation of 133 million new roles. This indicates a positive net increase of 58 million jobs worldwide. However, certain industries will undoubtedly experience considerable upheaval due to job displacement.

New Job Roles Created As a Result of AI

AI Trainers and Teachers

Professionals in this role are tasked with the crucial job of educating and imparting knowledge to AI models. They are dedicated to refining AI algorithms for precision and potency, while also pioneering the creation of innovative AI applications and frameworks

Data Analysts and Scientists

Amidst the surge in data production facilitated by AI technologies, there is an escalating demand for experts skilled in the analysis and interpretation of this data. Data analysts and scientists employ AI-driven tools to dissect datasets, uncover patterns, and glean intelligence that empowers businesses to make informed strategic choices.

Human-Machine Teaming Managers

With the increasing fusion of AI into various professional environments, there is a burgeoning requirement for specialists who can oversee the dynamic interplay between human employees and AI systems. Human-AI collaboration managers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring seamless integration of AI systems with human workforces, thereby amplifying overall productivity and operational efficiency.

AI Ethics and Policy Specialists

With the increasing fusion of AI into various professional environments, there is a burgeoning requirement for specialists who can oversee the dynamic interplay between human employees and AI systems. Human-AI collaboration managers are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring seamless integration of AI systems with human workforces, thereby amplifying overall productivity and operational efficiency.

Which Jobs Would be Replaced by AI?


A significant number of international corporations have integrated robotic systems at their front desks. AI now also oversees telephone management. For instance, systems like AimeReception possess the capability to visually perceive, listen, comprehend, and converse with visitors and patrons.title1:Accountants/Bookkeepers

Numerous enterprises have adopted the use of automation and artificial intelligence for their financial record-keeping operations. Services empowered by AI offer a streamlined accounting framework along with the perks of cloud-based accessibility, ensuring adaptability and security. Leveraging AI algorithms, these systems guarantee precise acquisition, preservation, and interpretation of financial data. The cost of deploying an AI accounting solution is considerably more economical than compensating a human employee for equivalent tasks.

Research and analysis

Sectors dedicated to data analysis and research have embraced AI to expedite their processes and uncover novel insights autonomously. Modern computational power facilitates the swift organization, inference, and scrutiny of data sets. As AI technology advances, the necessity for human involvement in these domains may become obsolete.

Warehouse work

The online sales sector is expanding rapidly, necessitating efficient methodologies and automated systems to dispatch orders swiftly for shipment. Automation has become a key strategy in optimizing these logistics. Basic levels of automation and AI deployment in warehousing environments facilitate effortless access to digital systems for package location and staff direction. Future advancements in AI could lead to automated retrieval and loading mechanisms, potentially boosting shipping capabilities.

Administrative Work:

AI systems are increasingly taking over various administrative tasks that were traditionally performed by humans. This includes not only scheduling and filing but also more complex data management tasks such as organizing and categorizing large volumes of information, tracking records, and maintaining databases. AI-driven document management systems can scan, index, and retrieve documents with high accuracy, reducing the time and effort spent on manual filing. Moreover, AI can streamline the scheduling process by automatically booking appointments, meetings, and resources, taking into account various constraints and preferences. Basic data management tasks are also being automated, with AI systems capable of data entry, validation, and reconciliation, minimizing the risk of human error and increasing the overall efficiency of administrative operations. This shift to AI in administrative work is enabling organizations to save costs, improve accuracy, and redirect human resources to more strategic and value-added tasks.

Which jobs will not be replaced by ai?

While AI can assist and augment many of these roles, the human element is irreplaceable due to the unique blend of skills and attributes these jobs require.

Jobs that are less likely to be replaced by AI are typically characterized by the following attributes:

High Creativity

Roles that require innovative thinking, artistic creation, and original problem-solving, such as artists, writers, and inventors.

Emotional Intelligence

Jobs that involve providing emotional support, empathy, and complex social interactions, such as counselors, therapists, and social workers.

Complex Decision Making

Positions that require nuanced judgment and ethical considerations, including roles in law, diplomacy, and senior management.

Physical Dexterity and Fine Motor Skills

Jobs that involve intricate manual tasks, such as surgeons, dentists, and skilled tradespeople like electricians and mechanics.

Intuitive Understanding

Work that requires a deep, intuitive understanding of human behavior, such as in the field of education for teachers and professors.

Adaptive and Multidimensional Problem Solving

Roles that demand the ability to adapt to new situations and solve multifaceted problems, like emergency responders and crisis management professionals.

Cross-disciplinary Work

Jobs that require a combination of skills from different disciplines and cannot be easily replicated by a single AI system.

High-Touch, Personal Services

Careers that provide personalized services based on human touch and interaction, such as personal trainers, interior designers, and chefs.

Research and Development

Scientists and researchers who work in cutting-edge fields often require a deep understanding of complex systems and the ability to make new discoveries.

Craftsmanship and Handicraft

Artisans and craftsmen who create unique, handcrafted items that require a human touch and cultural understanding.

How to quickly change career: maintain competitiveness forever

Adapting to the evolving job landscape is crucial, especially with the rise of artificial intelligence. Here are several strategies to maintain a competitive edge in the AI age:

Commit to Continuous Education

In the AI-driven world, ongoing education is vital. Embrace a mindset of perpetual learning by enrolling in relevant courses, participating in industry-specific workshops and seminars, and staying informed about the latest advancements in your field.

Cultivate Interpersonal Abilities

AI may excel in automated tasks, but it cannot match human emotional intelligence and creative thinking. Enhancing soft skills, including communication, critical thinking, and teamwork, will be essential for thriving in an AI-infused workplace.

Foster Flexibility

The capacity to swiftly adjust to new situations is paramount in the AI era. Be open to mastering new competencies, embracing additional duties, and transitioning into different professional roles as needed.

Pursue Expertise

As AI becomes more pervasive, there will be a growing need for experts with in-depth knowledge and specialized skills. By becoming an authority in a specific domain, you can boost your appeal to employers and set yourself apart in the competitive job market.

In short, concerns about artificial intelligence unemployment are unfounded. History shows that technological advances such as personal computers and the Internet have not led to mass unemployment. On the contrary, they enable us to do things faster, better, and more efficiently. Artificial intelligence is the next step on this journey, although it may replace certain tasks, it will also create new opportunities for us to focus on higher value work. Let us embrace artificial intelligence as a catalyst for progress and look forward to a tedious daily task becoming the future of the past. No matter how technology advances, humans are irreplaceable. Maintaining curiosity about the world, lifelong learning, and continuous progress are the best solutions to maintain competitiveness. Whether it is the Internet era, the AI era, or the updated technology era, self competitiveness is the only solution not to worry about unemployment.